Thursday, January 7, 2010

Teacher of the year...

Today, I taught standing on a desk. In heels. I rule.

Truth be told, it was more of a desperate attempt to get 120 fourteen year olds to pay attention. Snow in Texas happens once in a blue moon, and it's not easy for a teacher to compete with that- especially when there are two enormous windows in my classroom. So, I did what any normal teacher would do. I stopped the lesson, grabbed a desk, pulled it to the front of the room, and climbed (in heels) up on top of it.

You should have seen their faces. They thought I had lost my mind. And maybe I did have a momentary lapse of judgement. But I'll tell you one thing...I had their full attention.

I win.

Sunday, January 3, 2010

A Year of Firsts...

The holidays have come and gone,and we have entered a new and exciting year-  a fresh start if you will.  But as I sit here taking down all of my beautiful Christmas decorations  *tear*  I can't help but feel a little wistful. 

I will never experience another "1st white Christmas" with my husband, or ring in our "1st New Years" as husband and wife.  We will never go shopping for our first tree again, or get excited when our very first and much anticipated, embroidered stockings arrive, and furthermore, we will never experience that special moment when they are hanging up, and for the first time, we feel like a complete family (Okay...maybe the stocking thing was just me).  There are so many beautiful firsts that will be cherished forever, but never again repeated.

And although I am full of nostalgia at the present moment, I take comfort in all of the exciting and wondrous things that are slowly replacing the 'newness' of our marriage.  In five months, we have already started creating memories that we will talk about for years to come.  We have fought and made up.  We have disagreed on what size rugs to order or how bills should be paid.  I have learned that my husband verges to the edge of insanity when I have to dig for my keys every time we need them, and my husband has learned that, for a split second, I consider disowning him when he leaves his dirty dishes in our sink.  We have learned the deal breakers and the so called "money makers"  (what REALLY makes the other person smile). We are learning, just like all of the other newlyweds, and with all of the tough lessons comes a much greater reward.  We have shared dreams, passions, tears, frustrations, and most of all, a love that, I am positive, will endure the most difficult of times.  God has blessed me with a husband who, raised by a father and two brothers, still thinks to bring me medicine and soup when I'm sick.  A husband, whose forehead kisses are worth far more than a million Anthropologie shopping sprees in my book.  A husband who daily works harder than anyone I know to support our family, yet still finds the time to listen all about my day when I get home.  A husband, that despite my extreme ''dorky'' behavior and "forgetfulness" at times, still laughs at me and loves me, and somehow finds me attractive.  A husband who I truly feel, no matter what I do, will never go away.  But most importantly, I am blessed with a husband who, at the end of any disagreement, setback or celebration of success, reminds me Who is in control of our marriage.  And that ,I believe, counts for something.

So, although we will never again send out our first Christmas card together, I will tuck it away in our scrapbook, knowing our future holds something even better.  And one day, we will look back and remember all of our firsts...