Monday, May 3, 2010

Channeling Martha Stewart

I'm fairly sure (in contrast to my most recent post) that I am so not the most domesticated woman. In fact, I will most likely abuse my seasoning privileges every time I cook. I wish I was the type of girl that said things like, "I'll just whip up some Lobster Ravioli in Tomato Cream Sauce with Shrimp," or "You've got to try my new humus recipe." But seeing as those words will most likely never leave my lips, I have made an effort to be okay with things like, "How much lemon pepper do you want on your chicken," or "Do you prefer reduced-fat crescent rolls or butter-flake?"

I even took a cooking class when I lived in Italy. My entire family was all, "Umm, so what amazing dish are you going to prepare us now that you're back," and I was all, "Yeah, about that-apparently you have to use specific cooking utensils that they don't even provide in the U.S. (sheepish face)." Five years later and I have yet to cook my family anything. I realize part of my dilemma could be remedied by actually getting in the kitchen to experiment, but I have this fear tof failure. So, I stick to my favorite dishes: taco soup, stuffed crescent rolls, king ranch casserole and anything involving chicken.

But seeing as my sweet husband is most likely tired of saying, “You make the best taco soup.”every Monday night and, quite frankly, deserves more than four dishes to choose from for the rest of his life, my new ambition is to branch out of my ‘comfort zone’ and take on at least one new dish every two weeks. (Because I am crazy like that). So, wish me luck and pray for a minor miracle. I’ll let you know how it goes, be it a masterpiece or disaster.

Happy Cooking!