Saturday, November 14, 2009

Wreck League...

Recently, Erik and I were asked to join a recreational softball league.  I was excited because I used to play select softball, and although my skills are long gone, I figured it would be fun if nothing else.   Always the optimist! 


So far, a girl on our team has been nailed by a fast ball in the tailbone, an opposing pitcher broke his shoulder, another guy from our team dislocated his shoulder, and I pulled a muscle and stopped a line drive with my shin.  It is truly as painful as it sounds ( I managed to act tough when it happened, although my husband saw right through my clenched smile...maybe it was the tense shoulders that gave it away) .


 Now, I'm not competitive by nature.  Let's be honest. I'd rather be doing a cheer on the sideline or creating witty/cute posters and t-shirts with frilly funk.  And barring all it's ridiculousness, I actually do understand how easy it is to become emotionally invested *cough* pushing thirty *cough* in these games.   But it's becoming pretty apparent that we are not as young as we used to be.  When are we going to realize it's not worth risking a broken bone to make a game winning catch?  Every week, I come home with new bruises or strains, and I have no idea where they came from.  And I'm even more confused because I don't actually do anything to accrue these injuries (well, other than my shin stop). But don't you worry- because we are undefeated, and according to my husband, that's worth a couple injuries..... or ten.  Oh to be young and resilient again. :)

1 comment:

  1. I think I figured out how to do comment. I just opened up a g mail account. Maybe you can tell me how to become a follower. Do I have to start my own blog or what?
    Ah, softball! Great sport! Kari had only played a couple of years when she got a call to try out for a select team. Remember you were scared to try out but I worked with you every day for a couple of weeks and then you tried out and made the team. You worked your way into the starting lineup started getting hits and catching everything that was hit your way. I was so proud. Just like everything in life that seemed to difficult or out of your skill set, you just need some encouragement and support and then you would achieve and excel.
    Your mother and I played on a coed team when we were dating, right up until she became pregnant with you( she was a hell of a player, surprise:} ) We also played coed at church a couple of years later on. Its a great way for couples to have fun and spend some time together and even compete with each other in a way. Injuries heal but the memories last forever. It's all worth it.
    My advice to avoid injury. Stretch!!! Never hit the field cold. Before the game, stretch your legs, arms and mid section. Couple of slow sprints and a couple of fast sprints. Loose muscles rarely pull or strain.
    Thats all for now.. Love your page and don't know what to say about those Halloween costumes. Wow! How did you use the bathroom? My love to you both. Go TCU!!! Love, Dad
