Thursday, June 18, 2009

Summer Lovin

Summer's underway and I have yet to actually start this blog.  I guess there's no better time than right this second, so here goes!  

School's out, which usually means I start reveling in thoughts of learning spanish or volunteering for a non-profit organization.  But this summer, my mind is honed in on one thing:   I'm getting married to the most amazing man ever! Everybody keeps telling me I'll get cold feet, but I've yet to experience anything that.  In fact, I'm getting more excited every day.  Call it beginner's luck if you want, but so far so good.  (Check back 10 minutes before I walk down the aisle)!

Speaking of weddings, my best friend Lauren just got hitched to an incredible guy named Jeff, and I was super excited to be her maid of honor.  But everyone knows that this entails giving the dreaded speech.  Somehow, (thank the Lord) I didn't completely screw up in front of 200 people.  Yikes.  Actually, I felt surprisingly comfortable with the mic in my hand.  Shocking, I know.

Once school ended and things settled down a bit, Erik and I drove to Houston to visit BJ, Jen and Brylee.  Lil B is so close to crawling!  I kept trying to get her to crawl to me, but she kept moving backwards.  She's got the idea though, so it shouldn't be long.   We also go to go to the Cubs/Astros game, which went all the way into the 13th inning!  People are nuts at those games. They will literally almost jump off the balcony to catch fly balls.  It's like they get so caught up in the moment, they lose sight of reality. Hmm...catch a fly ball or live?  I was praying to God that they wouldn't hit one our way because I just knew Erik would relinquish all ability to see past the moment.   As many crazy people attend those games, I think everyone sitting around us would argue that we were the crazy ones.  Being that Erik's from Chicago, he was rooting for the Cubs and BJ, from Houston, was naturally rooting for the Astros.  This made the game fun for them because they got to drink some beer and talk crap to each other for 13 innings.  Did I mention they were loud and unruly? This was not fun for anyone sitting in the near vicinity of us.  Of course, Jen and I were the only ones noticing all the dirty looks.  Moral of the story:  "Ignorance is bliss, and If you want to watch a game in peace and quiet, stay home."

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