Monday, October 19, 2009

Humble Homebody...

As we speak, I am sitting in my living room watching my, all but domestic, husband cook me dinner.  I'm drinking hot herbal tea while blogging, and thinking to myself, "since when did I become such a bore!"  I always swore my husband and I would be spontaneous and fun, but I'm pretty sure this scenario surrounding me makes "Golden Girls" look like "Girls Gone Wild."  (Of course, I did always think Rue McLanahan was incredibly witty.)  Okay, maybe I'm being a bit dramatic, but I'm starting to feel one sewing machine away from being a certified homebody.  And here's the scary part; I'm in full acceptance of this lifestyle.  I really do enjoy coming home to my husband and dog everyday, and watching crime shows while talking about the events of our day.  Okay, okay- I'm starting to make us sound like a bore.  The truth is, we are pretty active.  We play on a coed softball team, we're members of a few really awesome organizations, have tons of fabulous friends, travel to amazing places, and we even love hitting the dance floor at the occasional bar (Yes, I said occasional).  But what is it about getting older that makes you say things like, "Honey, what kind of herbal tea do you want?  The relaxing one with chamomile or the lemon herb tea with vitamin C?"  Weird.

Last night, I headed to HEB on a mission to find the two best pumpkins for Erik and I to carve (see what I's hopeless).  I got home, laid out the newspaper, googled "how to carve a pumpkin," grabbed a knife and all at once it hit me: I have a great mom! For those of you not yet seeing my correlation, let me just say, what guy sat around and said, "This might be a fun family activity for the kids."  What a mess!  And dangerous too! Erik and I almost stabbed ourselves numerous times and then almost set the house on fire when trying to fit our votive candle inside the pumpkin.  Don't get me wrong- we had a blast, but It takes a patient mom who loves her children enough to carefully follow their every move and then clean up their mess when they're finished.  So, kudos to my incredible mom, who always let my sister and I partake in a dangerous, but super fun holiday tradition! 

Kobe and the "happy" pumpkin

Happy early Halloween!  Forensic Files calls!

1 comment:

  1. Ok, either you're normal or we're both boring... because I'm a senior in college and I'd still take a home cooked dinner and pumpkin carving any day over a frat party! I miss you two SO much and need to see you ASAP! Kobe looks adorable and I need to play bear with him for hours on the couch. K, love u sees! XoX
